Final Fundraising Weekend
Our International Women’s Day (IWD) Exhibition so far has been one of the least visited art shows at Borderline. A late announcement and perhaps no sufficient promotion means we can literally count the visitors on one hand.
So we try to go out with a bang. Coming weekend we will have two special activities to entice you to come and visit our Gallery.
On Sunday and Saturday we will serve Mohinga Borderline Style and during the weekend you can try one of the 5 different coffees we have for sale together with some special cakes.
All proceeds from these coffees and cakes and the Mohinga will go directly to a group assisting people along the border who have been forced to leave their homes.

As we do need to prepare Mohinga we want you to tell us or send us a message if you want to come and eat it. On Saturday or Sunday, so we can make the right amount.
One bowl of Mohinga will cost 40 baht and you can get more than one of course. All money goes to the people on the border.

This week we got a late message from the Sisters of Holy Infant that they were unable to make and deliver bread. So we made some ourselves. And they are pretty good, if we may say so ourselves. Our designated dough-kneader forgot, as he often does, to add salt. So perhaps some of you are thrilled by the prospect, others might feel different.

We have some different sizes, and will make more later in the week if demand is big enough. They are all multi grain.
International Women’s Day – exhibition
This week will be the last official week of our special IWD art show with the chance of buying art while supporting the people along the border. The last few days we have witnessed some heavy rains and more is expected the coming days, so people staying under plastic sheets in the mud need our continuous support.

This weekend you can join us for Mohinga, taste our coffees, look at wonderful art and with all these activities you will be able to support groups who are helping those in need.
Contact us if you want to secure a bowl of Mohinga.